When doing airless paint sprayer reviews it is important to look into several factors before make a decision about what paint sprayer that you can purchase.  I myself have not used a ton of the smaller airless sprayers, but I feel that they are very versatile when doing smaller jobs.  I have divided this article into two parts.
Part 1–Â Â We will look into what you need to look at before purchasing the an airless paint sprayer.
Part 2–Â A real life case review of a pick of our favorite airless paint sprayer.
If you want to skip the research and just go directly to our pick as the #1 paint sprayer, Â click below to see the price and specifications of our favorite airless paint sprayer.
A word of advice if you are purchasing these sprayers that it is best to check throughout the year as prices change based on the season. Â Let’s dig into the airless reviews.
Part 1- What to Consider When Looking at Airless Paint Sprayer Reviews
Picking the right sprayer for your job should be taken with a multi-step approach, let’s take a look into things that I feel are important before purchasing you’re the best airless paint sprayer for your needs.  .
Consider the Quality
The first thing that you will want to do is consider the quality of the airless paint sprayers in question. Some will be made with really high quality

Arnie using our #1 Airless Paint Sprayer
standards in mind, while others may be made with the lower quality in mind. That is really just how it works. You will find that most of the top brand names can be trusted- including Milwaukee, Binks, Graco and Wagner. They make some of the best airless paint sprayers on the market, and you can really trust their name when it comes to quality.
Factor in Cost
When you think about the cost, some people really just think that low cost is the best. That isn’t always the case. How many times have you gone and gotten the cheapest product that you could find just to have it not really be what you thought it was going to be? The same can happen when you are looking into an airless paint sprayer. You should read the reviews and really factor in the cost. You should find one that you can afford, but focus more on quality than cost. Value for cost is another way to really look at it.
Consumer Reviews
Perhaps one of the best things that you can do is read what others have had to say about the various different airless paint sprayers on the market. Some people are bound to have said something positive and something negative about each and every product out there. If you are really still unsure after reading these reviews, you may want to talk to some other painters in your area and get their take on it.  I reached out to Sammy and another friend of mine in the construction business before actually making my online purchase.
How to Choose the Best One
With so many out there to choose from, how can you choose the best airless paint sprayer? The answer is simple- you don’t have to always choose the absolute best to ensure that you get the job done right. Sure, some will have additional features, but you may not need all of the added features. Then, you will find some sprayers that are very expensive, and offer many bells and whistles. It comes down to what you need, when you really think about it.
You will want to use a different sprayer if you are just spraying your bedroom for example over someone that may be painting their whole exterior of their house. Â This is why knowing what you are painting is key to choosing the right sprayer.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that you must take your time when selecting an airless paint sprayer. You don’t want to end up with one that you won’t be happy with, but you also don’t want to spend too much on something that you won’t really be using too much. If you do a lot of painting, then it makes sense to buy one of the more expensive models. If you only paint occasionally, then you might want to save your money and opt for one that is more economical.
Part 2-Â Â Case Study on Finding the Best Airless Paint Sprayer
For the case study I deferred to a fellow co-worker Arnold “Arnie” Adams who was looking for a paint sprayer to fix up a few things around the house. Here is his review below.
When I decided to sell my house a year ago, I knew that I needed to make some updates. I couldn’t afford my home anymore and only had a couple of thousand dollars to prepare for the open house. Changing the color in some of the rooms was a cheap and effective way to add resale value to my home.
I work full-time and wanted to get the house sold right away and I also didn’t want to spend over $200 for a paint sprayer.  After a few days of reading reviews and talking to some other guys I knew in the construction business I purchased the Graco Truecoat II Paint Sprayer.

Graco Truecoat
The Graco Truecoat II Paint Sprayer is a light-weight spray painter that is easy to use and move around. You can complete painting projects within a fourth of the time that it would take if you were to use a traditional brush.
It comes with a heavier tip for heavier materials such as latex paint. And can deliver hours of consecutive operating power.  Here are my pros and cons of this device, which can hopefully help you if you are looking to buy an airless paint sprayer.
Quick– The best part about using this paint sprayer is that it saved me a significant amount of time. I couldn’t imagine how many hours it would have taken me  to change the color in each room if I was using a traditional brush. I was able to take advantage of the time that I saved and
Inexpensive– If I had to pay a contractor to paint each room, they would probably charge at least $20 an hour. The paint sprayer pays for itself because it allows you to get the project done within a reasonable amount of time.
You don’t have to dilute the paint– I have bought paint sprayers in the past and my number one complaint about them is that I had to dilute the paint. This seemed like an unnecessary step that took a lot of time and energy out of the process. I loved the fact that I did not have to dilute the paint before I used the spray gun.
Ease of Use – I was surprised at how easy this paint sprayer was to use. Even though I am not an expert when it comes to painting and remodeling, I felt like I could conquer my painting projects with the spray gun. It gave me the confidence that I needed to complete projects on my own and save myself thousands of dollars in labor fees.
It can get too hot– One of the drawbacks of this paint spray is that it tends to get hot. When it gets hot, you should turn the sprayer off and allow it to cool down for an hour or two.
Not the best for huge projects– This is not the paint sprayer for large projects; such as painting the exterior of a home. Â It is better suited for smaller projects indoors.
Overall opinion
Overall, I would give this paint sprayer a  9 out of 10. I hated the fact that it overheated; but it saved me a lot of time and money when it came to remodeling my home.  Using the spray gun was an easy and time-efficient way to paint rooms and increase the value of my home. I would definitely recommend this to my family members and friends.